i receive a lot of messages and emails that i can't always get to, so here are answers to some of the questions i receive most frequently!

why have a faq page?
as much as i enjoy talking to you all, i find social media draining at times and want to limit how much i use it. i find direct messages particularly overwhelming and hope that this page will help make them more manageable. i've learned that prioritising my mental health is necessary to my ability to keep creating, and hope you'll all help me protect it <3
will you promote my book or product?
i am open to paid promotions. please refer to my media kit and send an email to [email protected] to propose a sponsorship.
will you review my book?
possibly! read the information on review requests and if you think we're a good fit, submit a request!
are you open to being interviewed, contributing to a post or writing a list for my publication, etc?
yes, absolutely! send me a message or an email to explain the project and i'll get back to you! you can see previous examples here: sappho's library in the media
will you share this post, account, etc?
unfortunately, no. i receive a lot of messages like this and don't want to set a precedent of saying yes.
can you recommend me some books?
my youtube and instagram accounts are full of books i recommend, as are my 'favourites' shelves on goodreads. unfortunately, i do not have time to give personalised recommendations to everyone who messages me but i hope you'll find something you enjoy on one of my accounts!
have you read this book?
i use goodreads to track all of the books i've read—you can see which ones by using the search filter on my account.
what do you study?
i am currently in my final year of a bachelor's degree in french and spanish & latin american studies. i study a mix of grammar and elements of culture belonging to the regions that speak these languages. on that note, if you are more comfortable using french or spanish, please feel free to write any comments or messages to me in that language!
what if i have another question or just want to send a message?
then you absolutely can! i don't want to stop receiving messages entirely, just repetitive ones! i'll get to your message when i can—just please remember i have a life outside of sappho's library so i won't always be able to respond right away.
thank you for reading this page and for supporting me! i do really love talking with all of you and wish i had infinite time to do so, but there are now so many of you that i just can't keep up!thank you for all your kind messages, too. know that i read them and appreciate them and save them to a wee folder on my phone called 'to make you happy' for when everything gets too much. i'm so grateful for you <3

review requests

are currently: CLOSED

interested in me reading your book? here is everything you need to know before submitting a review request, as well as the form to do so!

first of all, let me just thank you for your interest in having me review your book, and for trusting me with your work. i really appreciate it, and hope that i'll be able to help get the word out about your book!

— guidelines —

submit your request using the form provided.
please use the form linked below to submit your review request. i receive a large number review requests across various different means and it is no longer sustainable. i hope that this form will allow me to keep track of all requests and fully consider them. any requests emailed or messaged to me (that do not qualify for an exception) will not be considered.
i am making an exception for publishers and authors who i have previously worked with or in the case that i have already expressed interest in the book. if this applies to you, you may message or email me directly if you prefer. this exception is because i already know we are likely to be a good fit and what to expect from working with you.
fill in the form with all of the necessary information.
the purpose of the form is to allow me to see, at a glance, everything i need to know about the book to decide whether or not i am the best fit to review it. incomplete forms prevent me from doing this and i do not have the time to chase up information, so it is likely i will pass on those requests.
submit your request while i am open to them.
due to the volume of requests i receive, i will be closing the form periodically in order to allow me to read the books i've accepted in a timely manner. the form will be closed during the university semester, so please keep this in mind when considering timelines.
please be aware of the content i am interested in before submitting a request.
please do not request a review just for the sake of it—you will only be wasting both of our time. i am primarily interested in romance titles, but also enjoy contemporaries, historical fiction and fantasy in the YA, NA and adult brackets. i would especially like to encourage authors from marginalised backgrounds to submit a request.
accepted formats
i accept both physical and digital copies. my preferred file type is an epub, though i will read a pdf if necessary. please note that my receiving a complimentary copy of the book in one of the above formats is non-negotiable—i will not pay for a review copy.

— notes —

unfortunately, due to the number of requests i receive, i simply cannot accept them all. as such, i have to be selective and prioritise the stories that i feel best fit my reading taste and that i am best equipped to promote. i am very sorry if this is not your book, but wish you the best on your publishing journey!please note that submitting a request is not a guarantee that i will read or review your book, and that any review i do write will always be honest. i do not tolerate harassment of reviewers in any way, and ask that, in the unlikely event that i do not enjoy your book, you remain respectful.thank you very much for reading these guidelines and your interest in submitting a request. i look forward to reading your work!

sappho's library in the media

here are some interviews and collaborations i have done. a huge thank you to everyone who made these happen!

The New Feminist: Why intersectional feminism must include LGBTQ+ people
Stylist: Lesbian Visibility Week: how 2 women learned to own their identity in the face of negative stereotyping
Diversify Your Shelves: Lesbian book recs by trope

i am open to being interviewed, contributing to recommendations posts, writing lists for different publications or other similar opportunities. please reach out via dm or email me at [email protected] if you're interested.

this page is currently under construction—please check back later!

oops, i am currently closed to review requests—please check back later!

this page is currently under construction—please check back later!idea to have 6 books so they all sit nicely on laptop screen (try shrink on mobile version so two to a row?) and click to bring to either bookshop page (affil link) or a wee why u should read + summary (containing multiple buy links and gr link). first less work by far.could also just do three images + short descripts and links underneath then a new row? a la reads rainboweither way, remember link at bottom to collection of all past featured shelves